Skype session with Burt Herman
This is Burt. This is the website he co-founded.
Courtesy of He is an “Entrepreneurial journalist stoking media revolution. CEO and co-founder of Storify, building the future of journalism. Founder of Hacks/Hackers, bringing together journalists and technologists.”
Great introducation on Burt- now for the BIG news! He skyped with us today from somewhere on the west coast. My guess is Silicon Valley since he is a technology superstar.
He talked about how storify can be a tool to simplify the process of telling a story online. “We have this amazing situation where everyone can be a reporter on the ground” Burt said.
Storify knows that a tweet, is a tweet. A video has certain tags on it. This information is much richer than it would be if you simply just copied and pasted in links.
Professor Steve Klein asked, “How do you stay plugged in? Telling stories is constantly changing becasue of all of these newer online platforms.”
Burt Herman responded with, “I’m hungry to always search new sites out. I get emails everyday from places like mediabistro, mashable; I have tech friends. I do look at twitter, but i do confess, it’s not always a news good source for me. Sharing your idea is the best thing to do. Nobody is going to steal your idea, because they wont care about it as much as you do.” Mark Zuckerberg would.
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