My Video Conference with Anita McBride on C-SPAN

May 8th, 2011

If Anita McBride could go back in time, and meet any first lady, she said that she would pick, “Dolly Madison –because when the president’s opponents would come to see him, she used her personality and hostess abilities to drive debate; they would leave feeling like friends,” said McBride.

McBride participated in a C-Span video conference on Thursday, April 14, 2011. C-Span was able to include college students from George Mason University, University of Denver and Purdue University in on the occasion as well. McBride answered questions from all three schools and some from Steve Scully, the political editor for the C-SPAN networks.

She informed us of the role and responsibilities of the first lady.

She emplesizied that the position of First Lady is “probably the most important and most demanding unpaid job in the world.” McBride was the White House Chief of Staff for the first lady from 2005-09 for Laura Bush. She also worked through the Reagan, and both Bush administrations.

The job of the First Lady is to pick a focus and an issue that she cares very deeply about. Laura Bush is passionate about reading, so it made sense for Laura to support Education Initiatives, McBride mentioned.

Currently, McBride is an avid member of the U.S.-Afghan Women’s Council and is a chair on the William J. Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board. She is also a consultant for the executive service firm Global Political Strategies.

As of 2010, McBride became appointed as the executive in residence at the Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies (CCPS) at American University’s School of Public Affairs.

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